Sunday, April 20, 2008

We're here.....

We arrived in Shanghai at around 5PM Shanghai time last night. The flight was very long, but tolerable considering the length (about 13hrs). A few bumps in the air, but nothing too bad. At least it's over. We were met at the airport by our guide, George, who was holding a sign with our names on it. (We felt like VIPs....nobody has ever held a sign up for me at the airport before). George is terrific. He speaks english like someone who has been living in the States for years, but has only visited the U.S. once in his life. He is a young man, as seems most of the population of many young people on the streets! He drove us to our hotel from the airport in a small van, giving us all kinds of information about Shangai and China in general all the time. Surprisingly, Gaffer and I are the only ones in our "tour group" and George told us that he would be taking us around the next day! Gaffer was very keen to catch the Newcastle United v. Sunderland game which started at 8PM, Shanghai time, but I convinced him of the craziness of this idea. We had only arrived at our hotel at 6PM, and to be running around trying to find a sports bar which happens to be showing EPL games sounded ludicrous to me, not to mention the blank eyed stares of the hotel staff when asking about any "Irish Pubs in Shanghai?...." I was exhausted, had not slept and was hungry. I certainly wasn't in the mood to run around trying to find a Sunderland match! I mean, I'm a fan, but I'm not that crazy, and this sounded truly crazy, so I had to put my foot down. No matter, because we found out this morning that Sunderland lost 0 - 2 last night, so I feel I saved the Gaffer a lot of pain.

We had a meal around the corner from the hotel at one of the small "casual dining" restaurants, and had fried rice, steamed vegetables and noodles which was simple and nice. Gaffer needed a fork, and we had a bit of a time trying to tell the young man serving us this fact, using hand gestures to not very much effect. Finally, someone came around with a full set of cutlery and Gaffer was able to scoop up his fried rice without problem. (note to self: to ask for a fork, you say: "yiba chazi")

While strolling around the street after dinner last night, we were a bit surprised at the number of prostitutes and poor beggar woman, many with very small children, around. Our hotel, called Jin Jiang, on Mao Ming Road, would definitely be considered luxury by most standards, and we were being solicited every 20 yards or so with, "You wan' girls?" by rough looking women, or cries of "Money, money!" by a 4 year old with his mother near by holding an empty plastic cup. Life is rough and tough, and I suppose everyone has to do what the have to to make a living.

Today we will be meeting George at 10AM for a tour of Shanghai. I've managed to get a few hours of sleep last night and feel much better. I'll be posting some video and photos in the near future.


Mary said... must have missed out on the chopstick lessons that Mom gave us when we were kids!! I'm glad you found some cutlery!
How cool that you got a tour guide all to yourselves! What did you see today? Everything here is great, no worries...MC said...

Americans in China looking for English football in an Irish bar has a nice ring to it.